He loked at himself in the mirror and was surprised to see not one, but a long line of bears stretching away as far as the eye could see. In fact, everywhere he looked there were bears, and they were all looking extremely smart. "Isn't the hood a trifle large?" asked Mrs Brown, anxiously. "Hoods are beeing worn large this year, Modom," said the assistant. "It's the latest fashion." He was about to add that Paddington seemed to have rather a large head anyway but he changed his mind. Bears were rather unpredictable. You never quite knew what they were thinking and this one in particular seemed to have a mind of his own. Padington gave up counting bears in the mirror and said "I think it's the nicest coat I've ever seen."
- A Bear Called Paddington, by Michael Bond
People compare me to bears. They do that since I am a little bear.Why they do it? My motherS would say that it is obviously. Do you agree?
What is a Fliegenbär?
Der Fliegenbär hat eine bärige Gestalt, ist groß und kräftig und manch einer fürchtet sich vor ihm, obwohl er doch eigentlich ganz vertrauensvoll durch die Welt schreitet. Insbesondere seine kleinen Cousinen wissen ganz genau, dass der Fliegenbär ein total nettes und hilfsbereites Wesen ist, und nur äußerst selten gefährlich wird. Und das auch nur dann, wenn man ihn wirklich ärgert oder wenn ihn jemand mit Dummheit maßregelt.
Kraft und Ausdauer hat der Fliegenbär. Und wenn ihm die Dinge zuviel werden, zieht er sich in seine Bärenhöhle zurück. Dort hält er einen Winterschlaf, brummelt vor sich hin, putzt sein Fell, verdaut, was er so erlebt hat und sammelt neue Kräfte.
Der Fliegenbär isst gerne – aber nicht wie ihr etwa gedacht hättet Honig und frischen Fisch. Nein. Er isst am liebsten Belgische Schokolade und Lasagne – aber nur die von Oma!
- Der Fliegenbär, Ulrike Jaenicke
I would say my mother was the first person who cames up with the name and my realation to a bear. For everyone who speaks englisch: The word Fliegenbär is out of two words. The verb "fliegen" what means "to fly" and the noun "Bär" what means "bear". So Fliegenbär = Flying bear?! No, I don't think that you can simplify Fliegenbär that easy - it describes a very varied person: me. Fliegen is also for elegance and the simplicity and bear for the strength and courage.
I think you know me good enought to make your own describtion of Fliegenbär. Or can you think about an other name of me?
It is nice having a bear around.
Isn't it?